Culture underscores everything.

Enhance yours With Aurora.

Culture Consulting For our Community’s Most Vital Organizations

Aurora Leadership Partners helps leaders and teams elevate success by crafting culture-driven strategies, processes, and management techniques. Rooted in the deep belief that every organization deserves access to high quality leadership training, Aurora was founded to serve the small businesses, start-ups, and non-profit organizations that drive change in their communities. While culture can sometimes feel like an intangible concept, our proven practices bring it to life in very real, measurable ways.

Why Aurora?

Our Expertise

deep Experience

As leaders, we had to create our own tools and methods to hire top talent, keep them engaged at work, and help them grow. Webinars and books are great, but translating them to your day-to-day operations can be time consuming and nebulous. We’ll share our tangible templates, practices, and guides, and help you implement right away.

Custom Design

We begin every engagement with a complimentary consultation to understand your team’s unique context, challenges, and opportunities. After learning your team’s needs, we’ll curate a program that works for you. We’re not interested in “one and done” leadership lessons. We’ll partner closely with your team throughout the program to chart your journey, assist with implementation and ensure results.

Fresh Insights

We’ve spent the last two decades educating high-achieving university students, giving us deep knowledge of the generations that are shaping the future of work. As the world becomes more hybrid and workers become more agile, we’ll help you adapt and build a workplace where people want to commit, learn, and grow.

Our Core Values

Deliberate Accessibility

We believe every organization should have access to high-quality people management training.

Emboldened Humility

We believe the best leaders bravely step into the background, and let others shine.

Modern Practicality

We believe that our tools must constantly evolve, equipping managers to apply theory to day-to-day operations for their employees.

Elevated Humanity

We believe that people are the priority, and the best leaders invest in those around them.

Balanced Efficiency

We believe in working to live, not living to work. We are creating the modern workplace.